Experienced Attorneys providing practical, No-nonsense advice, guidance and legal assistance.
At Barrow Lent LLP (BL), our experienced attorneys are dedicated to providing clients with practical, no nonsense advice, guidance and legal assistance. We leave the legalese to others: at BL we speak plain English and deliver cost-efficient results.
Our Clients:
- Boards & Compensation Committees
- Consultants
- Government employers
- Individuals
- Insurance brokers
- Investment Advisors
- Law firms
- Plan Sponsors
- Private equity and other investment groups
- Private, closely held companies
- Publicly-traded, multi-national companies
- Tax-exempt employers
Our Services:
- Compliance Services – we deliver compliance solutions for health & welfare benefits, retirement plan and human resources consultants and brokers
- Employment & Labor Counseling & Training – we provide employment counseling and related services
- Employment Disputes/Litigation – we represent clients in employment disputes of all kinds
- ERISA Compliance & Employee Benefits – we advise employers, plan sponsors, benefits committees and insurers on all matters involving plan administration and compliance
- Executive Compensation – we guide management, boards, compensation committees and executives through complex compensation and equity rules
- General Litigation – we represent clients on matters involving all types of disputes
- Law Firm Services – we offer support on employee benefits and executive compensation matters to small and mid-market law firms for corporate transactions and every day client counseling
Our lawyers are recognized by clients, consultants, lawyers and national ranking services as among the best. At BL the value proposition is simple: unparalleled legal advice given in plain English, at reasonable, affordable rates.